29 June 2021 Evidence
Effectiveness of Schwartz Rounds to reduce the psychological distress of healthcare staff
This paper reports on the implementation and evaluation of Schwartz Rounds in UK healthcare organisations, predominantly part of the NHS.
24 June 2021 Podcast
5. Why is medicine so… medical? Long-term conditions
Episode 5 of the Humanising Health and Care podcast.
10 June 2021 Podcast
4. What does humanising healthcare mean in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit?
Episode 4 of the Humanising Health and Care podcast.
27 May 2021 Podcast
3. What does the experience of Covid teach us about humanising care?
Episode 3 of the Humanising Health and Care podcast.
13 May 2021 Podcast
2. Why is medicine so… medical? Death and dying
Episode 2 of the Humanising Health and Care podcast.
06 May 2021 Podcast
1. Because people, not bodies, suffer
The first episode of the Humanising Health and Care podcast.
11 April 2021 Point of Care publication
Impact report 2020
A report on the work of our programmes from May 2019 to December 2020.
06 April 2021 Audio
Stories from the point of care: Heather
A consultant tells of her shock at seeing a young child treated by healthcare colleagues in full PPE.
24 March 2021 Stories from the point of care
Stories from the point of care: Juliette
A genetic counsellor who was reassigned to the proning team at her hospital's ICU shares her reflections on time spent working with Covid patients.
18 February 2021 Audio
Stories from the point of care: Alex
An orthopaedic surgeon talks about his experiences of working during the Covid pandemic.