01 March 2017 Presentation
Measuring for improvement
These slides explore why it is important to focus on patients' and families' experiences, how to engage patients and staff with improvement, and how feedback can be used to improve outcomes. They look specifically at the achievements of Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.
01 December 2016 Film
Involving people with learning disabilities – Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust
A Learning Disabilities service in Leicester found that EBCD was the ideal way to bring together users, families and staff to share experiences of care and design and implement change.
01 December 2016 Paper
Exploring the adoption of Schwartz Center Rounds in England, 2009–2015
This study examines the adoption of Schwartz Center Rounds in England, investigating the rate at which Rounds were adopted and considering some of the factors which contributed to their implementation.
02 November 2016 Film
Why might good people deliver bad care?
This TED talk exposes the uncomfortable truth that caring is hard, emotional work. The emotional labour of healthcare professionals needs to be recognised and accounted for by management practice in the same way that we acknowledge and account for physical labour.
02 November 2016 Film
Circle of Care animation
This animation is from Performing Medicine and shows the Circle of Care, a framework which enables healthcare staff to think about, practise and demonstrate compassionate care. The framework places compassionate care in a broad social and interpersonal context.
23 September 2016 Paper
Stress in NHS staff triggers defensive inward-focussing and an associated loss of connection with colleagues: this is reversed by Schwartz Rounds
23 September 2016 Paper
Stress in NHS staff triggers defensive inward-focussing and an associated loss of connection with colleagues: this is reversed by Schwartz Rounds
This paper explores how Schwartz Rounds help to provide emotional support to healthcare staff, with such support indirectly improving patient care.
22 September 2016 Higher Education
Schwartz Centre Rounds: a new initiative in the undergraduate curriculum—what do medical students think?
This paper asks whether the current Schwartz Centre Rounds (SCRs) model could be extrapolated into the UK undergraduate medical curriculum. Two pilots are run in a UK medical school and are then subsequently evaluated, yielding largely positive feedback.
05 August 2016 Paper
Improving childhood nutrition and wellness in South Africa
To supplement an ongoing local quality improvement (QI) intervention addressing poor nutritional outcomes in children, experience-based co-design (EBCD) was used to enhance previously low levels of mother, carer and staff engagement.
06 June 2016 Film
Schwartz Rounds: organisational case study
Staff at Ashford and St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust explain how Schwartz Rounds have helped their organisation