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Schwartz Community of Practice

As a member of the Schwartz Community, you are invited to join our Schwartz Community of Practice (CoP).

Access Community of Practice Resources.


What is the Schwartz Community of Practice?

The Schwartz Community of Practice (CoP) is a network of people who meet regularly to talk about their experiences of running Schwartz Rounds. During the online meetings, we share and reflect on experiences of running Rounds, explore challenges and dilemmas, try out new ideas, and help shape the ongoing development of Schwartz Rounds and the Schwartz Community.

These meetings are facilitated by Schwartz mentors with support from the Point of Care Foundation team. Topics for each meeting are based on current issues affecting CoP members at the time.


Who can join?

The Schwartz Community of Practice is open to anyone involved in running Schwartz Rounds: facilitators, administrators, steering group members, project leads and senior leader Schwartz round sponsors. To join, please complete the form below.


When do meetings take place?

Meetings take place every month via Zoom.

If you decide to join the Schwartz CoP, we’ll add you to the group and you’ll be sent an email with details on how to join upcoming meetings. There is no pressure to attend every meeting as we appreciate everyone’s diaries are busy and often unpredictable.


If you would like to be part of the Schwartz Community of Practice, sign up here.

Higher Education Institutions (HEI) Network

We host a separate network for people running Schwartz Rounds in Higher Education Institutions.

Sign up to the next meeting here:

Higher Education Institutions Network