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Our Experiences of Care programme draws on a range of tools and techniques which have been developed from two well-established methodologies: Experience Based Co-Design (EBCD) and Patient and Family Centred Care (PFCC). Both of these methods have been evaluated and published in peer-reviewed journals and have been proven across a range of care settings.

The tools and techniques we teach include filmed patient interviews, emotional and process mapping, patient shadowing, driver diagrams, snorkelling, and patient stories. All of these techniques help you to put the patient’s experience at the heart of efforts to improve care, powerfully reconnecting staff back to patients and their families and their motivations for working in care.

You can read more about these tools and techniques in the EBCD and PFCC toolkits, which can be accessed via the links below.

Experience Based Co-Design toolkit

Patient and Family-Centred Care toolkit


The methods used … really did change the way I thought about what was important to patients navigating through NHS care and how much what we experience might affect compliance with, and the success of, our treatment.  For me the relentless drive to be efficient in target-based healthcare culture totally missed the point of caring and the programme was my antidote.  Now, having had my own ‘care experience’, I really appreciate the power of these methods in refocusing us around the personal, around not only the effects of the treatment we deliver but of how we deliver that treatment, and around what is truly of value to our patients and their families.

Joanne Minford