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Foundations in Patient Experience Course

Institute of Leadership and Management approved logo

Patient experience can sometimes be seen as an add-on, something that is nice to do but not critical. However, patient experience is indelibly linked with patient safety and clinical effectiveness as a cornerstone to providing high quality and safe healthcare.

This course supports participants to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to make a meaningful improvement in patient experience in their work, whatever their role may be. Our approach is flexible and pragmatic and makes patient experience and quality improvement methods an embedded and sustainable way of working. It’s not about trying to squeeze in doing extra, but about working differently. Our tools and methods also have the potential to support staff to reconnect with their professional sense of purpose, building resilience and supporting staff wellbeing.

We welcome applications from anyone working in patient experience or quality improvement.

The course supports the following learning objectives:

  1. To be able to advocate for a patient experience and quality improvement work in the current climate, through strong knowledge of research evidence, historical and policy context.
  2. Increase confidence in understanding, analysis and effective use of different types of data on patient experience.
  3. To have the practical tools to engage, involve and co-design with patients, health professionals and the public in a meaningful and impactful way.
  4. To have confidence in their ability to use patient centred quality improvement methods and skills to make sense, influence and work collaboratively.
  5. To strengthen the personal impact and effectiveness of participants to work strategically as leaders in patient experience improvement and be supported by a network and community.

The course is delivered virtually on Zoom in 2 hour weekly sessions over 10 weeks. It is taught by a faculty of experts: academics, people with lived experience and healthcare professionals.

In addition to the delivered content, participants will be supported to take forward a “real-life” project of their own, advancing their own organisations’ priorities in either patient experience, quality improvement or public and patient involvement work.

The course is CPD-certified and accredited by the Institute of Leadership and Management.  Participants on the course benefit from one year’s membership of the Institute, providing access to free online resources. The course promotes peer learning and offers opportunities to develop supportive professional connections both during and beyond the course.


Booking a Place

Find dates and register for your place on the course here.

If you would like to have a conversation about the course or have any queries, please contact We would love to hear from you.


Send us an enquiry

Enquire about bespoke courses for your organisation/team here.