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Courageous Conversations

We know that some wonderful conversations happen between staff and patients in health and care settings. But there can be the tendency, because of lack of time or resources or confidence, to avoid some tricky conversations.

We also know that it is these conversations that can be the most meaningful and impactful, not only for patients but also for staff. These conversations can have a big impact not only on patient experience, but on health outcomes. 

To support healthcare professionals to have these conversations, the Point of Care Foundation is proud to introduce the Courageous Conversations Project. 


Courageous Conversations card deck

Based on the idea of coaching or conversation cards we are creating a card deck of phrases, questions, topics and themes. The cards will be used in a one day training package and then participants will be able to take the card deck away to support sustainable changes to practice and culture.


Example of a courageous conversation: 

“I asked about blood clots, I was really worried that my legs were swollen because of blood clots. But when I asked they just brushed it off, ‘oh it’s fine’. I lay awake all night worrying that I was going to die of a blood clot so I kept really still. The next day my OT came over and asked how I was, but she really asked how I was, not just in passing. So I told her my worries. She said she didn’t know why my legs were swollen but she thought it was fine but she’d check. She spoke with the doctor and they checked my scans and blood. She didn’t have the answer but she really listened to me instead of brushing it off. So often they brush it off, and from their perspective it is fine. They know it’s fine. But I didn’t.”   

–Evi, Major Trauma Survivor

Project update

We are following an Experience Based Co-Ddesign cycle for this project to co-design the Courageous Conversations card deck and training package.

During 2023, we held three events – with patients, professionals and a joint event – and arrived at six core themes:

  1. Bridging the gap – between patient and professional agendas
  2. Mental health and suicide
  3. Race, ethnicity and religion
  4. Sexuality and gender
  5. Sex and relationships
  6. Death and dying


All events were over-subscribed and we were delighted with the insightful and liberating conversations we had about what is and isn’t talked about in healthcare interactions, and why that is.

What really stood out is how both staff and patients are doing their best in difficult situations and how the environment and culture can really impact whether anyone leans into courageous conversations. Risk and safety were also key themes.


When will the card deck be available?

We have made the difficult decision to pause this project for the time being. We intend to pick it up again when we have the capacity in the team to do it justice.

We are very grateful for all the time, expertise and insights participants have shared with us so far in developing this project. Please check back in the future for further updates.