06 March 2018
New films show impact of EBCD project on staff, patients and volunteers
Three new short films highlight the impact of a project using Experience Based Co-Design at a hospital in Reading.
01 March 2018
Programme unveiled for ‘Making Healthcare More Human’ conference
We are pleased to announce further details of the programme for our conference on 'Making Healthcare More Human', at the Wellcome Collection in London on 28 March.
31 January 2018
Conference bursaries for training doctors
We have five fully paid places available for medical students and doctors in training to attend our conference on 28 March
30 January 2018
“Friends and family test” should no longer be compulsory, argue experts
Our Chief Executive Jocelyn Cornwell has co-authored an editorial in The BMJ arguing that the Friends and Family Test (FFT) is not a good indicator of performance and takes up a disproportionate amount of time for teams responsible for improving patient experience.
18 January 2018
New Schwartz Round film
We have made a short film of a Schwartz Round, to help show how Rounds can help people working in healthcare address some of the emotional impact of their work.
01 November 2017
Schwartz Community conferences return for 2018
We are hosting two conferences, in London and Manchester, to bring together the community of people running Schwartz Rounds in 177 organisations across the UK and Ireland.
27 October 2017
New research reports that attending Schwartz Rounds reduces psychological distress
The Point of Care Foundation welcomes the publication of a national report on the implementation of Schwartz Rounds which shows that staff who attend the Rounds feel less stressed and better able to communicate with colleagues and be compassionate with patients.
21 July 2017
Safe and compassionate care for patients depends on staff being listened to and supported
The Point of Care Foundation today publishes a new briefing, highlighting that NHS staff have become the shock absorbers of an NHS under chronic strain.
04 July 2017
HSE and The Point of Care Foundation supporting staff with time and space to reflect on impact of work
The Quality Improvement Division of the Health Service Executive (HSE) and The Point of Care Foundation are working in partnership to implement Schwartz Rounds in healthcare organisations across Ireland.
10 May 2017
19 organisations chosen to join pioneering end-of-life care programme
The Point of Care Foundation has selected 19 teams to join the 2017 cohort of our ‘Living Well to the Very End’ programme, funded by the Health Foundation and supported by NHS England.