Experience based co-design with Health Improvement Scotland
29 June 2016
We are currently working with Health Improvement Scotland to support several Experience Based Co-Design (EBCD) projects. There are three teams: an internal Health Improvement Scotland team who are focusing on specialist dementia units; NHS Ayrshire & Arran who are running a project in Maternal Education; and North Lanarkshire IJB who are looking at those who frequently attend the Emergency Department but do not need medical intervention.
Having trained each of the teams in the EBCD methodology, we are now supporting them to implement the co-design project. As part of this, we are running regular webinars focusing on overcoming the challenges the teams are facing, and providing further support around aspects such as facilitation as part of running EBCD events. Each of the teams have begun recruiting to their co-design teams and look forward to moving forward with the methodology.