Using film to co-design mental health services
07 July 2016
Free half-day seminar showcasing new trigger films which help staff to co-design services with patients.
On Thursday 7 July The Point of Care Foundation was pleased to run a free half-day seminar at the Wellcome Collection showcasing a new set of films designed for use as part of experience based co-design (EBCD) projects.
Dr Louise Locock and Susan Kirkpatrick from the Health Experiences Research Group (HERG) presented their research project entitled ‘Re-using existing national patient experience interviews to support service improvement’. The research shows that using existing patient interviews helps to ‘trigger’ discussions between staff and service users about emotional touchpoints in services. These films therefore accelerate the EBCD process, which traditionally requires teams to produce their own film interviews with service users.
Louise and Susan discussed the theory behind, and practical uses of, the range of films available on the Healthtalk website. The subsequent Q&A explored the many ways the co-design methodology can drive engagement, building a shared understanding between staff and service users.
Joanna Goodrich then gave a brief history of EBCD, dating back to Glenn Robert and Paul Bate’s 2007 book, and its subsequent growth into a wide range of care settings across the UK and beyond.
Delegates then heard two case studies from individuals behind successful co-design projects in their respective trusts.
Ioanna Xenophontes, Senior Lived Experience Researcher, Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust spoke of the implementation of EBCD work at her trust which saw a 100% reduction in complaints for 23 months. It was inspirational to hear how the patients and staff had come together emotionally and practically to devise new ways of improving care.
Finally, Steven Edwards, Quality Improvement and Experience Lead at Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust, spoke eloquently on the potential pitfalls of – and some solutions for – implementation of EBCD improvements in tightknit communities where engagement can be slow to get off the ground.
All the speakers brought to bear the wealth of ideas, resources and questions garnered through the successful implementation of EBCD projects. The delegates were offered an insight into the challenges and rewards of EBCD, and in turn offered personal reflections, anecdotes and challenges of their own throughout the course of a stimulating afternoon.