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Tweet chat on staff well-being

27th November 2018

We are jointly hosting a tweet chat with the Foundation of Nursing Studies (FoNS) to promote discussion on what works when it comes to staff well-being.

Enabling staff well-being: what works? #swbwhatworks

We are jointly hosting a tweet chat with the Foundation of Nursing Studies (FoNS) on the subject of staff well-being on 27th November 2018, 7-8pm.

The aim of the tweet chat is to create an open conversation about ‘what works’ in terms of staff well-being. We would like to encourage discussion on the meaning and importance of well-being to staff; the factors that enable well-being and the things that we should be paying attention to at individual, team and organisational levels. The questions that we will be posing to encourage the discussion are:

  • What does well-being mean to you?
  • What enhances your well-being when you are at work?
  • In what ways does your service/organisation support/enable staff well-being?
  • How could FoNS and PoCF support individuals, teams and services/organisations to enhance staff well-being?

Full details

You can find full background information for the tweet chat here.

How to join the tweet chat

You can also download the FoNS guide to joining in Twitter chats here.