EBCD Community of Practice
Next meeting - 27 FebruaryCommunity of Practice
A space to connect and reflect on experiences and share ideas and learning for everyone who works with the Experience Based Co-Design methodology.
We are delighted to invite you to be a part of our Experience Based Co-Design (EBCD) Community of Practice! This is a space that we hope to co-design with you so that you can connect, reflect on experiences, share ideas and learn with everyone who works with the Experience Based Co-Design methodology.
Upcoming Dates:
- Thursday 27 February, 2–3:30pm
Location: Zoom
Cost: Free
Please note that in order to be a part of the EBCD Community of Practice you need to have either used the EBCD method in your own project/research or to have done our EBCD course. The network is not appropriate for those who are just starting out on research and don’t have any experience of it.
If you would like to join this event please email patientexperience@pointofcarefoundation.org.uk