20 December 2023
Exploring together the emotional impact of the climate and nature crisis
Our Chair, Richard Smith, writes about a Schwartz Round that focused on the climate and nature crisis.
13 December 2023
The frightening side of silence
Eryn reflects on how frightening it can be to speak up against discrimination in the workplace.
29 November 2023
Insights from the Picker and the Point of Care Foundation Symposium
On 2nd November 2023, Picker and the Point of Care Foundation hosted a symposium on care experiences. Picker’s CEO, Chris Graham, reflects on the day.
17 November 2023
Making improvement more human
Bev discusses 'NHS Impact' – the shared improvement approach to support NHS organisations to have the skills to deliver continuous improvement.
30 September 2023
Suicide Prevention Month 2023
1 in 5 of us have had suicidal thoughts. As we reach the end of Suicide Prevention month, Katie reflects on how we talk about suicide and the stigma around mental health and suicide.
22 September 2023
Keeping on, keeping on – how can we stay optimistic about our healthcare system?
Bev reflects on recent news and how our mission couldn’t be more relevant than it is today.
17 September 2023
World Patient Safety Day 2023
For this year's Patient Safety Day, Jono Broad explores the importance of elevating patients' voices and the WHO's patient safety aims.
07 September 2023
Stories: the good, the bad and the ugly
Sarah reflects on the power of stories and her own stories that led her to the Point of Care Foundation.
05 July 2023
To save the NHS, listen to frontline staff, patients and carers
Patients and their families are an untapped resource for improving services, not a burden to be reduced. Bev responds to the Guardian's 'A future worth fighting for’: five health experts on the state of the NHS at 75'.
26 April 2023
Finding commonality, community and connection: Our Schwartz trip across the pond
Aggie Rice and Laura Golding recall a visit to Schwartz community colleagues in the USA