27 February 2015
What could the NHS learn from business?
The Point of Care Foundation's Jocelyn Cornwell argues that the NHS could make the business of kindness a corporate goal.
27 November 2014
Getting the relationship right – reflections on the Transforming Patient and Staff Experience conference
Rebecca Myers, Director of Integrated Care at Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals, reflects on her own life and career and how listening to multiple voices helps to ensure a richer understanding of patient and staff experience.
19 November 2014
Stories and numbers: there is room for both in understanding patients’ experience
Bev Fitzsimons, fellow in health policy at The King’s Fund, explores the false dichotomy between numbers and stories in understanding the quality of healthcare.
22 October 2014
Why co-design?
Steven Edwards, patient experience manager and quality improvement lead for Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust, reflects on the impact Experience Based Co-design has had in his organisation and why he thinks it’s a particularly useful tool in mental health settings.
07 October 2014
Getting the whole picture
Princess Alice Hospice in Surrey is in their third year of running Schwartz Rounds. In the true hospice and Schwartz tradition of inter-professional collaboration, medical lead Dr Craig Gannon and psychosocial facilitator Anne Cullen jointly reflect on their experiences of setting up Schwartz Rounds at the hospice.
26 September 2014
From little things big things grow: the power of shadowing patients
Hesham Abdalla, Paediatric Consultant and Clinical Service Lead at George Eliot Hospital in Nuneaton, writes about shadowing a mother and her seriously ill baby, and the insights this offered about the organisation from a patient’s perspective
01 August 2014
Patient experience begins well before the first #hellomynameis…
Anya de Iongh, a patient leader living with several long term conditions, writes about the importance of administrators in delivering good patient care.
01 August 2014
The power of story
Rhiannon Barker, our programme manager for Schwartz Rounds, explores how stories are used in healthcare and shares the moving story of Kenneth Schwartz.
10 July 2014
The rep trap
David Gilbert, Co-Director of the Centre for Patient Leadership, argues that the current model for patient representatives can stand in the way of meaningful engagement.
23 April 2014
Happy birthday Point of Care Foundation!
Jocelyn Cornwell reflects on the success of Schwartz Rounds in our first year and what makes new innovations work.