16 October 2015
The System
Tom Fogden, communications and admin intern for The Point of Care Foundation, asks why changing the NHS often appears to be a futile task.
09 October 2015
Urgent action is required to tackle the NHS’ financial problems
In this blog, communications manager Patrick Cullen addresses today's NHS financial revelations, and how these problems can be assuaged
17 September 2015
Could constant reorganisation be the NHS’s ultimate coping mechanism?
In this blog, Schwartz Rounds programme manager and clinical psychologist, Esther Flanagan asks whether the constant change experienced in the NHS is a consequence of the anxiety and pressures faced by healthcare staff and their organisations
07 September 2015
We can’t be complacent with end-of-life care
A report claimed that the UK had the best end-of-life care in comparison with 80 countries from around the world. But, our head of improvement, Bev Fitzsimons feels that the good news isn't an excuse for us to stop trying to make it better.
02 September 2015
We couldn’t imagine working without Schwartz Rounds
Dr Sam Lund has worked in a wide variety of settings across London including both the acute and independent sectors. She joined Trinity Hospice in 2010 having completed her specialist training. Sam has a postgraduate MA in Ethics and is passionate about individualised patient care.
14 August 2015
What can we learn from Michael Gove’s broken foot?
Tom Fogden, communications and admin intern for The Point of Care Foundation, reflects on the difficulties patients can face accessing NHS Care.
14 July 2015
Looking for patient-focused service improvers? You may find them amongst the Allied Health Professions
Dawn Smith is a Healthcare Professionals Advisor at NHS Clinical Soft Intelligence Service (NHSCSI). In this blog she talks about patient-focused service improvement within the Allied Health Professions.
12 June 2015
Pop goes the Round
Dr Peter Wilkinson is a consultant cardiologist and Schwartz Round clinical lead at Ashford and St Peter’s Hospital Foundation Trust. In this blog, Peter shares his experience of trialling a new form of Schwartz Rounds to target staff who are under-represented in regular Rounds.
08 May 2015
10,000 Voices: improving patient experience in Northern Ireland
Christine Armstrong, regional lead for the 10,000 voices initiative in Northern Ireland, and Oriel Brown, nurse consultant for the country's Public Health Agency, share their learning from a project which has so far gathered the views of nearly 7,000 patients.
16 March 2015
Hospice staff need support to continue the work of caring
Joanna Goodrich, head of evidence and learning for The Point of Care Foundation, reflects on the important work of hospice staff and the need to support them in their work.