18 August 2016
Improving patient experience – lessons learnt as an Intern
Charlotte Beames explores why efforts to improve quality have mixed success, concluding that improvement projects need to involve patients early and often.
11 August 2016
How to do quality improvement ‘with patients’, not ‘to patients’
Sophie Lansdowne explores a recent Experience Based Co-Design masterclass with Health Innovation Network and looks at the Foundation's partners as advocates for our improvement work.
11 July 2016
Don’t just do something, stand there
Nicki Power explores the power of narrative to connect people at Schwartz Rounds, focusing on two pilot sites she is mentoring in Ireland, where there is a strong tradition of storytelling.
05 July 2016
“Living Well to the Very End” – Sharing Ideas and Building Skills
Sophie Lansdowne explores various exercises including "Snorkelling" and "Learn, Borrow, Steal" used in the "Living Well to the Very End" event for the Patient and Family Centered Care Programme.
09 May 2016
Schwartz Rounds as a CQUIN
Dr Gita Bhutani describes hows Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust have used a staff health and wellbeing CQUIN to develop and sustain Schwartz Rounds.
05 May 2016
How can feedback from patients improve care?
Bev Fitzsimons explores why the NHS is struggling to improve patient experience despite collecting vast quantities of data, suggesting that harnessing the unique insights of patients would be more effective.
22 March 2016
Anniversary Schwartz Round: the nature of compassion
Joanna Goodrich, Head of Evidence and Learning, explores the nature of compassion in healthcare
13 January 2016
Can healthcare staff have too many professional boundaries?
In this blog Esther Flanagan, Schwartz Rounds programme manager and clinical psychologist, explores the current culture of staff and patient relationships and its limitations using some of her own patient experiences.
03 December 2015
The role of boards in shaping patient experience
In this blog, chief executive Jocelyn Cornwell describes the different ways in which boards tackle the issue of patient experience in the NHS.
19 October 2015
Making Schwartz Rounds ‘part of the furniture’
In this blog, the facilitators and clinical leads from Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust and Devon Partnership NHS Trust explain how they made Schwartz Rounds ‘part of the furniture’ in their organisations.