19 December 2024
Food and drink at Schwartz Rounds
Food and drink are an integral part of the Schwartz Round ritual and an important signal of welcome for participants. Eryn London & Laura Golding discuss.
09 December 2024
Best foot forward: Schwartz Rounds at the annual podiatry conference
Eryn London reflects on the experience of facilitating a Schwartz Round at the Royal College of Podiatry annual conference, and the opportunities for offering Rounds through professional leadership bodies and member organisations.
19 June 2024
Greater than the sum of our parts: Celebrating a year of Schwartz Midlands
As we move into the second year of our Schwartz Midlands project, Eryn and Laura reflect on its impact so far.
13 December 2023
The frightening side of silence
Eryn reflects on how frightening it can be to speak up against discrimination in the workplace.