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Steve Spoerry

Interim Chief Executive


Steve joined the Point of Care Foundation in January 2025. He is responsible for the overall leadership, governance and development of the Foundation with an emphasis on building a long-term future for our programmes in collaboration with partners.


For most of his career, Steve has worked as a senior leader within the NHS including several chief executive roles. He has a track record of helping troubled healthcare organisations to achieve significant qualitative and financial improvements including leading a hospital to win the Dr Foster hospital of the year award for a substantial reduction in the mortality rate.


He has learned that improvement of all types can only be achieved through building a supportive culture for clinicians and developing a consistent interest in the experience of patients. Consequently, he was pleased to take on the role of helping the Foundation to achieve its missions.


At various points in his career, Steve has worked with commercial organisations doing business with the NHS including a large Austrian healthcare provider and a community investment trust helping troubled young people into stable employment.