Sinead Rothrie
Humanising Care Fellow
Sinead is delighted to be joining the Point of Care as part of the new Humanising Care Fellowship. Her background working as a speech and language therapist over the last decade has given her the opportunity to work within a range of settings including community care, and acute and tertiary inpatient services.
She currently specialises in care for people with head and neck cancer across the treatment pathway, and her specific area of interest focuses on the experiences of patients post-treatment and their ongoing quality of life needs. As treatment continues to innovate, more and more people are surviving their cancer. However, they can be left with long-term, complex and chronic difficulties which can have a profound impact on all aspects of their lives. She is committed to ensuring people are at the forefront and centre of their own care and that the most important question that she ever asks those that she works with is ‘What matters to you?’
Sinead’s project
Sinead wants to use this opportunity at the Point of Care to develop a greater understanding of how health and care systems work, both for the people who use them and the staff that work within them. She is excited to explore how to develop patient and healthcare provider partnerships to improve experiences of care. By utilising the voice of patients in designing post-treatment services, she wants to provide evidence-based practice and innovation rooted in the shared goal of improving patient and professional experiences of healthcare services. This opportunity will provide a space for her to engage in compassionate health-driven research and she could not be more excited to get started.