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Greg Allen

Interim Chief Exec


Greg is an experienced CEO, chair and non-executive director. He has also been a Professor of Practice at the University of Exeter Business School since 2020. With a career spanning over 30 years, his board roles have covered the commercial (plc), public, third sectors and consultancy.

Most recently, he has been Interim CEO of Blind Veterans UK, following 5 years as CEO of Future Care Capital.  Both of these are health and care charities with long and rich histories. He is also currently a Trustee of the Shaw Trust following previous Trustee roles at Hospiscare and Arthritis Action.

Other previous roles include CEO of the national Centre for Workforce Intelligence, senior civil servant at the Department of Health, a national director of Nuffield Health and private banker at Coutts & Co. In his early career, he qualified as a teacher and also served in the UK and abroad as an Officer in the British Army.