Contact us
We are always interested in making contact with people who want to make things better for patients and the staff who work with them. If you think we could work together, please get in touch.
General enquiries:
For Schwartz Rounds enquires:
For Experiences of Care programme and course enquiries:
Please send invoices, POs, remittances, supplier information forms or queries relating to specific payments to
Individual team members’ email addresses are published on our Staff pages.
The Point of Care Foundation is now operating as a virtual workplace. For any correspondence, please use our new PO box/virtual address:
82 Tanner Street
London, SE1 3GN
Unfortunately, we cannot handle complaints against NHS organisations or other healthcare providers. In these cases we suggest that you contact your local Healthwatch, or your local patient advice and liaison service (PALS). We cannot respond to unsolicited emails of this nature.